About Me



Six Six Six

Groovy Links

X-File Quiz

Rex Gilroy



Greetings and welcome to my site. This is Reven Erom, another one of those krazy X-Phile Phreaks (<>..<>) Matters you will be subjecting yourself to are unexplained phemomenon, the X-Files, religion, confusion and other topics that you could take no interest in.

On this page I have a X-File quiz (that will be near impossible to pass perfectly unless you're even more obsessed with this than I am....). some of my and others artwork, links to groovy sites, pictures of myself and the cool people that can stand me. So take a look around, bore yourself...

Please sign (or view even) My Guestbook to say anything you want...that this sucks...that your sky is a different color...thoughts about anything really. Say somethin....